Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove Tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo Economico sostenibile
ENEA is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. The Agency’s main research issues are: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources, Nuclear Energy, Climate and the Environment, Safety and Health, New Technologies and Electric System Research.
ENEA holds highly qualified personnel distributed along nine ENEA Research Centres and five Research Laboratories – in Italy and an ENEA-EU Liaison Office in Brussels.
Its focus sectors are energy technologies (renewable sources, energy storage, smart grids), nuclear fusion and nuclear safety (the Agency is the reference national research coordinator), energy efficiency (with the National Agency for Energy Efficiency), technologies for cultural heritage, seismic protection, food safety, pollution, life sciences, strategic raw materials, climate change.
With respect to the radiological activity, ENEA is the reference Institution for radiation protection, not only related to nuclear sector but in all sectors of interest such as radiotherapy, medical radiodiagnostics, radiation protection in the environment, hospitals and scientific research. ENEA acts as national focal point in the shipment of radioactivity materials being member of IAEA.
ENEA performs also R&D on Security issue, with the development of laser based sensors for local and remote sensing of hazardous materials.